Monday, January 8, 2024

Mr. Zuliani: My Tuesday Walk

 The first day back from vacation is always a little challenging!

Therefore, I was really looking forward to my daily walk, my form of self-therapy. Due to the time the sun sets, I quickly changed into comfortable clothes and set out.

What perfect walking weather.  A nip of cold in the air, an ever-so-slight breeze, and the scent of wood stoves burning. I picked up my speed and waved to some neighbors.  As I came upon some people laughing and talking up the street, I slowly realized…it’s Mrs. Durst, our school nurse!  She had the same idea as me.  I had a walking buddy!

Mrs. Durst and I chatted while walking at a brisk pace.  We discussed our day at school (we agreed it was very busy), reviewed our vacations (never enough time to do everything we wanted), and stopped to pet some friendly dogs (two terriers named Zelda and Jane).  Soon after, we parted in different directions, as the sunlight was fading quickly.

I arrived back home, feeling less stressed.  And thank you, Mrs. Durst, for being my partner today, you made my walk that much better!


  1. The use of parentheses add even more voice to the piece. Love how you captured the moment for both you and Ginny!

  2. Love this Frank!

  3. What fun to meet up with a fellow school peep on your walk. I love the detail of the things you discussed on your walk in the way that you shared them. The commentary was great!

  4. OOPs... sorry Frank, I'm anonymous above!!

  5. A walk with friends is that much better of a walk.

  6. Love the smell of a good fire on a walk. Great description.


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