Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Cookies? For me?- by Sophie Jacobs (aka Dog of Mrs. L. Jacobs)


                                                  Cookies? For me?

By Sophie Jacobs

(black lab - sneakiest dog ever - cookie lover)

Dog of Mrs. L. Jacobs

Hot cookies, just pulled from the oven.

My nose quivers as the sweet smells wafts by me.

Drool inches out of my mouth-

Drip-dripping onto the floor.

Side glance…

Don’t look directly at the cookies…

Sit still…

Oh, no! She noticed me!

“None for you, Sophie,” Sarah sing-songs in my direction.

She mustn’t be talking to me.

I watch her push the tray further onto the counter.

She stares down at me and pats me on the head.

Side glance…

Don’t look at the cookies…

Sit still.


YES! She’s leaving the room!

I tilt my head and listen carefully…

Faraway footsteps…

I inch toward the counter.

Side glance…


Now’s my chance.

I jump up on the counter-

Resting my paw-tips on the edge.

The tray is there.

Hot cookies are there.

I stand straighter on my hind legs-

Outstretching my right paw.

I shift from my left leg to my right leg.

Stretch - stretch - stretch!

I hook the claws of my right paw onto the cookie sheet.

I pull - ever so quietly…

…but quickly!



Hot cookies on the floor!

Footsteps clomp - clomping!

Coming closer and closer!

I gobble and gobble up the hot, chocolaty goodness!


I’m now in the crate as punishment…

Totally worth it!

1 comment:

  1. I love so many things about this slice. First the writing... I love your repetition and the way in which we get to hear what Sophie is thinking. Your description is fabulous and brings us bit by bit through the moment. Then there is the joy of a dog... I think every dog owner has gone through this and I think you captured her internal thoughts perfectly! It is exactly what I imagine she thought the whole time! Love this Slice!!


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