Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Beep, Beep!- Mrs. Bruno

 Beep! Beep!

I am a helper. 

I enjoy helping others. 

I see a problem and want to help fix it. 

One would think this is a wonderful attribute to have… and most times… 

it is.


It leads me to help when I already have more than enough to do.

It leads me to stress because I volunteered for something that I really didn’t want to do.

It leads me to saying ‘yes’ when so many times I want to say ‘no’.

So… I started to remind myself to ‘stay in my lane’. 

Who doesn’t love a good metaphor?! 

An email comes through with a question someone else should answer… I hit reply… 

Beep beep… stay in your lane.

No one volunteered to help with an event… I open an email and start typing… 

Beep beep… stay in your lane.

Someone has promised to do something… but they are not doing it… 

Beep beep… stay in your lane.

It’s hard. I’m not going to lie. I like to get things done. I like to help when help is needed. I hate to see others struggle. But… I also have to work on what is within my control… so if you see me getting out of my lane… feel free to holler BEEP BEEP!

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