Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Mrs. Burg: Late December Morning

Dark gray clouds scattered across the sky

Huge puddles covering the deck

Drops of rain continue to softly tap at the window

I am the only one awake 

On this late December morning

I tiptoe to our old, worn leather sofa

I sink deeply into its cushions

This is my spot

It fits me like a glove

The Christmas tree lights illuminate the room

The angel, her wings delicately touching the ceiling,

looks down upon me 

The collection of ornaments covering the branches 

represent a lifetime of memories 

My favorite 25 year old mug rests comfortably in my hand

So loved I can barely see the floral pattern 

she wore so proudly in her early years

Freshly brewed coffee, with just the right amount of french vanilla creamer stirred in

Warms me from the inside out

The soft purring of my calico kitty, lying on top of the sofa cushion next to my head

Book in hand, plush blanket draped across my lap

My inner thoughts are unusually quiet and peaceful this morning

Is it possible that there is literally nothing on my “to do list” today?

What day is it anyway?

I smile and think of my two beautiful girls 

sound asleep upstairs 

I think of the joy that filled this room 

and the colorful wrapping paper and ribbons that covered this rug 

just a few days ago

I stare for a moment at the candle that smells like Christmas 

as it flickers in front of the twinkling tree lights

How do they even make a candle that actually smells like Christmas??

I try to freeze this moment in my mind

These sounds, these images, these smells

I attempt to savor this feeling of peace and calm 

And pull it deep within my soul

Hoping I can close my eyes and relive this moment again

one day soon

when “real life” resumes

Thank you late December morning

For being there when I needed you most



  1. I can feel the joy of the quiet morning. Your description brings me right into your morning. Those days are the best days!

  2. The imagery and memories are so beautifully woven into this piece.

  3. I love how you added the purring of the cat...takes me back to when I had a cat and how peaceful it is when they are sound asleep purring.


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