Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Mrs. Dell'Aera- Waiting for Spring

The wind rattled old windows. 

The temperature was in single digits. ‘

The sun peeked its head above the horizon.  

The smell of fresh coffee wafted up the stairway.  

The thumping of clothes filled the quiet air of the laundry room.

It was a Sunday morning in January… just the perfect time to start planning the garden.

Emmie carefully inventories the opened, worn seed packets.  She thumbs through the fresh, unopened packets; feverishly scribbling down varieties of vegetables and flowers, making note of which ones need reordering. 

Online seed catalogs were tabbed opened on the phone and a paper list was made of varieties that caught her fancy.  

Now it is my turn to look at her list and see the varieties she picked.  

Chitter chatter, just loud enough to be heard above the sound of the thumbing, tumbling clothes in the dryer.  “Wow, that must be a new variety of Snapdragon!? It’s almost as tall as EllaGrae.” I said.

“Oh wow… That is tall! Isn’t that color so pretty?” Emmie responded. 

“We definitely need to get tall varieties to make our flower bouquets taller this year,” Emmie said.

Back and forth we chatted with excitement as we solidified our seed order.

As I pressed the “Submit Order” button our conversation turned to when we should start setting up the racks, lights, and trays for the seeds. 

Now we wait. 

We wait for Jon the mailman to deliver our seeds so we can eagerly open the packages.

Then we wait again.

We wait for the calendar to get closer to spring. 

1 comment:

  1. I love the way you brought us right into your home and I could see the two of you making plans.


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