Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Mrs. Flaherty- Where's My Slice?

Write? You want me to write something? But I’m a math teacher! I mean…I used to teach writing, but that was so long ago! Do I even remember HOW to write a small moment?

These thoughts crept into my mind in the strangest places…

“Could THIS be my slice of life?” I thought when I went snowshoeing. I mean, it was kind of hilarious when I took a step up a white snowy drift only to catch my snowshoe on my other snowshoe and tumble backwards into a pile of snow, landing in perfect position for making snow angels (and I did!)

“Could THIS be my slice of life?” I thought as I stepped onto the sandy beach in Southampton with my dogs for their first view of the ocean. As the rough waves crashed onto the shore, the howling wind blew the sea foam across the sand for my pups to chase. I mean…when we approached the breakers and were chased (and caught!) by a fast moving wave nipping at our heels, it was great fun!

“But wait! Could THIS be my slice of life? This one’s better…” I thought when I was on my way home from the beach trip and started feeling like I had grains of sand in my eyes, desperately wanting to be washed away. As the sinuses in my head grew increasingly angry they reared their ugly head in a flow of goopy green glop that oozed out of my eyes…now THAT was a good (and gross!) slice of life!

Then just this morning, as I celebrated the 2 hour school delay by descending to my basement to fit in a workout, the gift of time allowing me to do so, I realized the point of it all…

Every day is filled with small moments! Every moment is a slice of our wonderful and miraculous life! As long as we stop, look, listen, feel, and create, we all are always writers!

1 comment:

  1. This made me laugh! It is exactly how slicing works… you are always on the lookout, but I love your revelation at the end… so true. We all should capture moments more often!


The Less Traveled Trail- Mrs. Flaherty

One of the things I love most about where I live is the access to all things nature, especially in the winter when it would otherwise be so ...