Friday, January 12, 2024

Mrs. Panyard- Pure Joy in the Snow


In the beautiful and serene landscape, a playful black lab named Tashmoo excitedly bounded through and dove into the light and fluffy untouched foot of snow.  Her black fur stood out against the white canvas as she continued to leap, twirl, and roll in the cold crisp air.  Her paws left imprints in the soft snow, creating a playful trail of tracks. 

Tashmoo’s excitement was contagious, attracting the attention of a neighbor's dog who couldn’t resist joining this spirited pup in her snowy escapades.  Laughter echoed from the owners as they watched these pups play freely in the snow; running, jumping, diving and chasing each other until they could run no more.  At last, falling into the snow to take a break and cool down.  

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm orange glow on the snow-covered ground and trees, Tashmoo and her neighbor pal panted happily.  Owners leashed their pups, patting their fur as if to acknowledge their fun. The pups wagged their tails in what seemed like an expression of gratitude for the impromptu playtime. Humans and pups bid a farewell and headed for home, leaving behind the tapestry of paw prints and joyful imprints in the snow.


  1. I love picturing the world's sweetest dog having such fun. You took a shared moment and captured so much joy!

  2. It's fun when fun is contagious:-)

    1. Anonymous is Steve...I didn't realize I had to put my name in.

  3. The joy of a puppy in the snow. Love how you captured the moment.


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