Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Bam Bam’s Halloween - Trick or Treat?- Ms. Cutler


Dedicated to my puppy and son, Bam Bam. Happy 3rd Birthday!

“Miss Cutler, your phone keeps ringing!” alerted my 4th graders. 

Reading the texts as my eyes skim the letters, my stomach drops, my hands are clammy, and I immediately call the front office. 

“I need a substitute in my room. I have to pick up my dog from daycare. It’s an EMERGENCY,” I trembled. 

I dive into the car and replay the text messages from memory. My head is spinning like a top with thoughts, “How did this happen? Why did he do this?! He’s such a good boy. I didn’t raise him to act this way. Why on Halloween?! I hope everybody is alright…” 

Calmly, Bam Bam was escorted out of the building. His tail was between his legs and his big, brown eyes were staring up at me, looking very guilty. “Bam unfortunately tried to eat my cat. He is no longer allowed to come back to our doggy daycare.” 

As I got back into the car, I took a long sigh of disappointment. I felt like the worst dog mom ever. How embarrassing that my precious puppy and pride and joy would try to actually EAT another animal! 

As I’m driving home to drop Bam off, his head fully out the window embracing the breeze, his tail was wagging a mile a minute and smiling his pearly white grin at me. I took a deep breath and tried to remember that everyone, even animals, make mistakes. How could I possibly stay mad at my baby boy?! 

Did he think JUST because it was Halloween, that he could pull a mean trick? Or was he just hungry and looking for a Halloween treat? I guess Bam Bam will only know the truth about what really happened that scary Halloween…

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