Monday, January 22, 2024

Mrs. Burgess: Dementia

Every night I come to visit you, in this place others

call your home, but I call it your hospital… 

Most nights you lay still in bed with your eyes closed. I color you pictures, sing you songs and feed you dinner. I call your name, hold your hand and talk about my day. You continue to lay still with your eyes closed.

 Some nights you open your eyes and look off into space. I try to vision what you're thinking about… always hoping you are thinking of me, and always hoping you know I am there with you. 

On rare nights, you open your eyes and make eye contact with me. Your eyes tear up and you smile. You continue to lay still and silent, but in these moments my heart is happy. You know who I am and I know you love me. These are the nights that make it all worth it. 


  1. So beautiful Jess! xo

  2. I love so much about this and my heart breaks for so much of this. You are an amazing daughter, Jess.


The Less Traveled Trail- Mrs. Flaherty

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