Friday, January 19, 2024

Mrs. Fluckiger- The Rough Draft

 Sounds and Questions- (An alternative version of Notice/ Wonder)  

Maybe…     Thoughts in Nature   or…   A Weekend Hike  boring…

Reasons Not to Hike Alone  not wrong… A Conversation with Myself  umm…   

  Why did I sign up for this?  (‘Cause writing is eeeeeasy…not)

humph. … TITLE HERE  (sigh…)

Crunch. (Onomatopoeia as a hook? Check!)

Gray light filters through the bare branches of the trees overhead.

I press my foot down again- harder

Crunch. Crack!

Why is it so satisfying to break ice? (you weirdo)

I move on down the path

It is worn down to the rocks below in places, but in a welcoming way- not a cold, slippery way. 

It is just mine for now, but I can tell others have been here before me

Why is that disappointing? (see? weird)

I can hear the creaking of tree trunks as they bend to the will of the gusting wind

Bend but don’t break (yep.)

As I hike along through these woods, alone with my thoughts, I appreciate the peace and wonder I feel-


Between checking my watch to see how many miles I’ve gone (Why does that matter?!?) and playing with the nifty compass feature to see how good my sense of direction is (it’s pretty good) I get little waves of existential joy. 

Why is it that when I’m alone, in the middle of nowhere, I feel so connected?



Ooh, more ice! (yay!)

1 comment:

  1. I love how you captured ALL the thoughts that go into writing. The crossouts and start overs were perfect!


The Less Traveled Trail- Mrs. Flaherty

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