Friday, January 26, 2024

Mrs. Maldonado- Snow Days, Delays, and Early Dismissals

Snow day?  Nothing!?  Not even a delay?!  I barely slept.  I was CERTAIN we would have a snow day…at LEAST a delay.  As I mope around the house, my phone buzzes.  It’s Simsbury Board of Ed!  It’s a delay!!!  Time to go back to bed.

Ice, snow, and wind lashed against the windowpanes, each drop a tiny anvil pounding on my hopes. I was CERTAIN, everyone else had a delay, why not us…

Mopey and hollow, I wandered the house, in a gloom of my own disappointment. But then, a buzz in my pocket, a tremor of possibility. Simsbury Board of Ed. My heart pounds, could it be possible… DELAY!

I set my alarm to wake me up in about an hour. Valerie and Emily have a delay, and since they’re still sleeping, maybe I can sleep for another half hour before they wake up for the day. As soon as I doze off, I hear the clickety-clack of Emily opening her door. SWOOSH! My door swings open and Emily walks in. So much for my half-hour nap. I get up and start getting the girls ready for school…still hopeful that I’ll get a closing. Farmington is closed and so is Canton and Avon. Alas, it’s 7:40am, and there is no way we’re getting a closing, let me start getting ready for school. As I drag my feet across the room to gather my makeup to look halfway decent for the day, that familiar buzz from my phone goes off. “That’s not a text, that’s a phone call,” I think to myself.  

“This is Neil Sullivan assistant Administration for Simsbury public schools Due to power outages, Simsbury public schools will be closed on Monday, December 18th. Once again, Simsbury public schools will be closed on Monday, December 18th.”

1 comment:

  1. There really is nothing better than a delay or snow day! Wishing you a delay tomorrow!! xoxo


The Less Traveled Trail- Mrs. Flaherty

One of the things I love most about where I live is the access to all things nature, especially in the winter when it would otherwise be so ...